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Pending Future Post

What’s more puzzling; That you have enough time to read blogs everyday, or that you don’t have enough time to post?

I’ve been bobbing, eyes and nostrils above water, pockets loaded with the stones of school, work, a semi-symbiotic relationship and personal issues that must be dealt with. In the meantime, my apartment looks like the ‘before’ picture on HGTV, I need to do laundry, my car needs to be decluttered, I’m studying like it’s my full-time job and I’m running rapidly out of tea and honey.

Whatever happened to the simpler, halcyon days of sex and drugs and rock and roll? Apparently they’ve been replaced with curling up in bed watching a Nexflix movie, the occasional vitamin or aspirin and an .mp3 replaying highlights of a droning lecture.

One day I’ll look back and fondly remember that these are the good ol’ days?

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  1. 04/13/2011 at 12:39 PM

    Haha, yes, such a conundrum isn’t it? I just find the reading and writing is something I make time for, almost above other things, because well, I love it and it gives me perspective and balance.

    • 04/13/2011 at 12:57 PM

      Thanks so much for your last few comments jobo. I do, very much, enjoy reading and writing within these blogs that I’ve stumbled into. It’s just that reading a select few that I enjoy (above others) takes only a moment or two, whereas writing takes longer. And lately, I don’t have longer.

      Let’s continue to let these good times roll! Actually, I do see a crack of relief in the next few days.

  2. 04/14/2011 at 3:19 AM

    I completely get what you mean! I love visiting all the blogs but actually writing on my own seems to take so much energy that some days I just don’t have. But I miss it and end up feeling more relaxed once I finally do write.

  3. 04/15/2011 at 12:12 AM

    I love everything about this post. Please pass some tea & honey, a handful of halcyon days of sex & rock ‘n roll, and some of those extra hands in the picture. (Oh, are they part of the halcyon days?)


  4. 05/21/2011 at 4:30 PM

    Hahaha. Brilliant post! 🙂

    • 05/22/2011 at 11:10 AM

      After all the studying I’ve done I better be borderline brilliant Jaclyn!

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